Wednesday, February 3, 2010


I love the dynamism of this green/gold for my ETC page. I believe this is going to be a very dynamic class, as it covers one of my favorite topics - Web 2.0. It is a topic I have been researching for the last year and I am writing a new chapter on "Web 2.0 and Social Media" for our Introduction to Computers course. I am hoping this class helps me finalize my writings, so that the chapter is ready for spring publishing.

For my AR/CBL page, I thought a little levity might be warranted, so I've kept my fractals a subdued black/white/gray. That may change though, as I work my way through this very interesting project.

I love these colors! This will keep my links page from being too boring visually.

I chose the "Fractals" theme for my website. I love the changing colors and mysterious feel of the art. To me, it is so eye-catching!

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